Home Latest News RIAC Classic Car Show

RIAC Classic Car Show


The Royal Irish Automobile Club (RIAC) will host their National Classic Car Show on the 1st and 2nd March 2014. The show which is supported by AXA Insurance www.axa.ie will be held in the RDS, Dublin. There will be a large display of classic, veteran and vintage cars all together in the one building for enthusiasts to view. Commenting on the show, Bob Montgomery Show Director said, “Following the success of the 2013 Show, the decision was taken to organize the event again in 2014 after which it will be held every second year alternating in the RDS with the Bike Show. The 2013 Show demonstrated to us the wealth and variety of classic cars that exist in Ireland and I have no hesitation in saying that the 2014 Show will be entirely new and to the same high standard the first Show established. We will have significantly more space available and have exciting ideas as to how it will be filled.”

As well as a large number of car clubs on display there will an autojumble, a motorsport section, a restoration feature and plenty more. Highlighting the success of the previous event AXA insurance has renewed their support for the 2014 show. Myles O’Reilly of AXA Insurance said: “We are delighted to re-affirm our support for the RIAC National Classic Car Show in 2014. Following on from the great success of last year’s show, the plans for this year’s event really excite us, and will give us great opportunities to meet customers, enthusiasts, their clubs, as well as fellow supporters. The RIAC are to be commended for their commitment to Irish historic motoring, and we welcome also, the involvement again of Irish Vintage Scene Magazine, and the Irish Veteran and Vintage Car Club, whose support underlines the importance of this event. AXA look forward to meeting you at the show in March.”