Home Latest News Another Track Records For Megane R.S Trophy-R

Another Track Records For Megane R.S Trophy-R


The Mégane R.S. Trophy-R has set a new front-wheel drive record of 2’25’’454 (more than 3s better than the previous record) on the prestigious Suzuka circuit in Japan, after breaking the record at both Nürburgring and Spa-Francorchamps. It is a major triumph in Japan, which has approximately 10,000 Renault Sport fans. At the end of September 2019, Japan was Renault Sport’s leading world market for the R.S. range, ahead of Germany and France, and the third for Mégane R.S.

  • In anticipation of Trophy-R’s potential popularity with Japanese fans, development tests were carried out at the beginning of the year on the Suzuka circuit to best meet the specific expectations of local customers.
  • The Trophy-R is the latest version of a story that began 15 years ago. Like its illustrious predecessors, the Trophy-R sets new circuit records in the front-wheel drive performance car category, continuing Renault Sport’s passion for challenge and performance. The new Mégane R.S. Trophy-R is the most focussed performance car ever built by Renault.
  • Compared to the R.S. Trophy, the Trophy-R, equipped with the same 300 hp engine, owes its increased pace to weight reduction (up to 130 kg), aerodynamic improvements and bespoke suspension and chassis enhancements.
  • The Mégane R.S. Trophy-R is particularly popular in Japan: more than 50 Trophy-Rs, including some equipped with the Carbon-Ceramic Pack, have already been reserved by Renault Japan.

Patrice RATTI, Renault Sport Cars General Manager:

“The new Mégane R.S. Trophy-R has set a new record in its category, this time at Suzuka, the leading circuit in Japan. This performance is particularly meaningful for the 10,000 strong local community of Renault Sport and Trophy-R fans. It demonstrates the effectiveness of the specific testing campaign we conducted on site to best meet their expectations. This is enough to further strengthen the relationship with our very international customer base”

The Mégane R.S. Trophy-R owes its performance to its pure character. Developed as a racing car, the dedicated team focussed on three aspects: weight reduction, improved aerodynamics and chassis development.

Following the records set at the Nürburgring and Spa-Francorchamps, Laurent Hurgon, driving the Trophy-R, has set an official record time (2’25’’454) for a performance car on the 5.8-kilometre-long Suzuka circuit, which has 18 curves.

The Mégane R.S. has been setting and breaking records for more than ten years. In 2008, it set the very first record in the front-wheel-drive performance car category on the Nürburgring circuit, completing the lap in 8’17’. Laurent Hurgon has previously broken records multiple times on both the Nürburgring and Spa-Francorchamps circuits driving different generations of the Mégane R.S. and beating the record at the Suzuka circuit is another great achievement, for both him and the Trophy-R.

The Mégane Trophy-R is available to order now, please consult your local dealer to find out more.